Yeast in the Bible: Mixing Process No Fun

Yeast in Bible; woman kneading dough with hands

Again he [Jesus] asked, “What shall I compare the kingdom of God to? It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough Luke 13:20, 21.”

This passage, taken from Luke 13 can be found here along with the context.

Kneading Not a Fun Process

How does the yeast get “mixed” into the dough? By kneading, of course. And if dough had emotions, I’m pretty sure it would tell you kneading is not a fun process. The dough is pressed and squeezed and stretched in order to distribute the yeast.

Just for fun and because visuals are sometimes helpful, here’s a short video of the way it’s done:

So, there’s no other way to disseminate the yeast and if this doesn’t occur the bread doesn’t rise. And the yeast represents the kingdom of God according to this passage. So, here’s the implication. The process by which the kingdom of God is “mixed” into our lives can be a difficult and unpleasant one.

But this should come as no great surprise. Jesus tells us elsewhere that “we must lose our life in order to find it” (Mathew 16:26). And it’s the “narrow path that leads to life” (Mathew 7:14). So, this correlates with what we already know about the kingdom of God.

Yeast in this Bible Passage Represents Struggle

We must submit to the Lordship of Christ, be obedient and do things God’s way to experience the kingdom of God in our lives. And depending on how strong willed and stubborn we are, this will not an easy or pleasant operation.

But just as there’s no other way to distribute the yeast throughout the dough without kneading, so there’s no other way to experience the kingdom of God. To read a post similar to Yeast in the Bible: Mixing Process No Fun, click here: Why Do We Sin If the Righteous are Glad?

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