The Narrow Way: How Less Leads to More

The narrow, winding mountain way; Narrow Path Meaning
Photo by Serkan Bayraktar

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” Mathew 7: 13, 14.

Once, when I was fasting, and waiting for my son to come out of the gas station with our drinks, I had a thought related to food and the narrow path. Makes sense, since I was hungry, right?

And I’ve had my own convoluted relationship with food in the past. If you’re interested in my struggle, see Beauty for Ashes: A Divine Exchange.

But it could be applied to other areas as well. To read this bible passage for context, click here.

The Narrow Way: Lower Standards

I realized that if we have an issue with overeating, the only way we’re ever going to get set free is if we lower our standards.

We need to learn to be content to have a carrot (without the dip!) at snack time rather than a donut. We have to learn to be satisfied with less.

This is hard at first, but it’s the only way to be delivered from our sin and find freedom.

This principle holds true in other ways too.

If, for example, we ever want to enjoy meat and potatoes, leeks and melons in the land of milk and honey, we must first learn to be content with less- manna.

If we want to see the fulfillment of God’s promise, we must first learn to be satisfied with just the promise. This is the only way we’ll ever see the abundant life God has in store for every believer.

Less Room, Less Freedom, Fewer Choices

And that’s the message of this passage. “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life. . .” In other words, we must travel the path of less. . .Less room, less freedom, fewer choices.

But the path of less has the destination of more. And the path of more leads to less. “Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction. . . “

Life is Now neon signage
Photo by Elina

This idea can apply to our thought life as well. If we live in the moment and focus on what’s set before us right now, this minute, there won’t be any room to worry about the future or regret the past.

So, I think a secret to not worrying and dreading and regretting is simply to learn to live in the moment. To learn to focus on what’s at hand right now and not be distracted by thoughts of tomorrow or yesterday.

In other words, the path that leads to freedom from worry and dread and regret is the path that focuses on one thing: whatever’s at hand right now.

Freedom, Peace and Life

This path doesn’t allow you think about now and ten minutes from now. It doesn’t let you think about tomorrow or yesterday.

The narrow path that leads to life in our thoughts is the one where you focus on one thing: the present. This is narrow. Again, it’s the path of less. . . less room, less freedom, fewer choices.

But the destination? More freedom, more peace, more life! To read another recent post see The Garden of Eden and the Blood of Christ.

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