How Do All Things Work together for Good?

Woman with backed toward camera celebrating with hands raised, in sunflower garden; how do all things work together for good?
Photo by Andre Furtado

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters” Romans 8: 28,29.

All things work together for good according to this bible verse. But what does that mean? To read the whole chapter and get some context, click here.

It does explain why we are exhorted to “rejoice in the Lord always. . .”Philippians 4:4, and to “give thanks in everything. . .” 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

Why shouldn’t we rejoice and be thankful since every single thing that happens to a child of God, no matter how painful of difficult works for his or her good?

Everything That Happens is of God Since All Things Work for our Good

With this in mind, there is a sense in which everything that happens is of God. This includes things caused by our enemies, whether in the form of people or circumstances. Even suffering caused by sin.

Whatever situation we find ourselves in, no matter how difficult or painful, and no matter what brought it about, is ultimately from God.

That’s because God will cause it to work for our good if we love Him. He will use it to enable us to accomplish His purpose. He will use it to conform us to the likeness of His son. And this is necessary to accomplish His purpose.

If it all works for our good, if it all helps us accomplish His purpose, if it all gives us greater internal resources, then it’s all good, and it’s all ultimately of God.

That is, if we love Him and continue to walk in faith and obedience through it.

Excited woman jumping to top of fence; how to all things work together for good?
Photo by Quang Anh Ha Nguyen

Joseph Understood the All Things Work Together for Good Bible Verse

Joseph of the book of Genesis fame, understood this. And that’s why he was able to forgive his hateful, abusive brothers and treat them kindly, despite their horrific treatment of him.

It was because he knew what they had done to him, although painful and difficult, was necessary to accomplish God’s purpose.

That’s why he was able to say to them “it was not you who sent me here [to be a slave and prisoner in Egypt], but God” Genesis 45:8. It’s why he was also able to say, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good. . . ” Genesis 50:20.

He understood that God is ultimately in control of everything that happens in the life of the believer. And if He allows us to go through something painful and difficult, it’s to enable us to accomplish His plan. Often by “conforming us to the likeness of His son”.

What’s even more amazing to me is this is true, even if we are suffering because of our own sin. God has set in motion the law that says if you sow to the sinful nature, you reap destruction, if you don’t repent. This is to help us to turn from the sin that’s causing the suffering.

So, God does not directly bring the suffering upon us that is a consequence of our sin. But He has set the law in motion that connects suffering to sin. In that sense He does bring it about.

If God is For Us, Who [Or What] Can be Against Us?

Eckart Tolle, a spiritual guru who, although not specifically Christian, gets some of his ideas from the Bible, shares this sentiment. He says, in effect that if we’re going through something, it’s because we need it.

Paul confirms this view when he says in verse 31 of Romans 8 “. . . if God is for us, who [or what] can be against us?”

There may, in fact, be people and situations against us, as was true of Joseph or King David or Jesus. But since God is for us, He causes all our enemies, whether people or circumstances, to work in our favor. And for our Good. And in our best interest!

Ultimately, that’s why everything that happens to those who love God is of God. In fact, the more our enemies come against us, the more God has to work with to use for our good.

To read another post similar to How Do All Things Work Together for Good? click here: All Things Work Together for Good If I Love God or here: Count it All Joy Because It’s All Good.

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