Going Through the Fire: Purified or Consumed?

Fire, Going Through the Fire
Photo by Joshua Newton

Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw— each one’s work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done” 1 Corinthians 3: 12, 13.

These verses are talking about the judgment each of us will receive for the works we have done at the end of time. Our works will be tested by fire. Not only will we be tested by fire in the hereafter, but we are also being tested by fire in the here and now.

To read the entire passage for context, click here.

Fire represents judgement or trials. The same fire that burns up and consumes wood, hay and straw actually purifies gold, silver and costly stone.

Fire Doesn’t Destroy Everything

It increases its value. Fire doesn’t destroy everything. It cannot destroy that which is precious. Fire is good or bad, a blessing or curse depending on what it’s applied to.

The same fire that is bad and a curse for wood, hay and straw is good and a blessing for gold, silver and precious stones. We see this truth throughout scripture.

For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away” Mathew 13: 12. 

The same sea that destroyed pharaoh’s army brought deliverance from bondage to God’s people by this one feat (Exodus 14: 21-31).

The furnace that destroyed Nebuchadnezzar’s servants loosed Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego of their bonds (Daniel 3: 19-25).

The flood that destroyed the ancient world of Noah’s day was the source of his salvation. It’s what kept him afloat (Genesis 7: 17-24).

Fire Reveals the Truth

Fire tests our quality. It reveals the truth about ourselves.

Gold bars in a pile; the tree of good and evil; Going Through the Fire
Photo by Pixabay

So, the one who has faith in his trial will have that faith purified. And it will become more valuable and precious. The one who lacks faith in his trial will lose what little faith he does have. And end up doubly robbed.

First because of the trial, and second because he lost his faith as a result of it rather than allowing it to be purified. Fire can only destroy things of little value.

And the less value it has the faster it is destroyed. Straw is consumed faster than hay and hay faster than wood.

Fire or judgment or trials- the very same ones- only purify and increase the value of valuable things. This explains why two people can experience an identical calamity and one is destroyed by it. And the other becomes stronger and more mature.

It’s Not What We Go Through but How We Go Through It

That’s because it’s not what we go through that counts. It’s how we respond to it. Because how we respond is related to the quality of our character.

This is why James 1: 2-4 says we should “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing”.

If we have genuine faith, the testing of it will purify it and produce endurance. The ultimate result of which is to become “perfect and complete”. Or more valuable.

This idea is also seen in the parable of the sower. The same scorching sun that destoys the seed planted in shallow places actually brings the one planted deeply to maturity. . . and fruition (Mathew 13: 3-8).

This truth also sheds light on Romans 8: 28 “All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose”.

How to Benefit from Fiery Trials

Fiery judgments and trials only purify us. And increase our worth and value. That is if we love God and respond in faith.

How we respond to trials reveals our true character. It reveals the truth about ourselves. It shows whether our character is made of gold, silver and costly gems, or wood, hay and straw.

This truth is also reflected in the old cliche’ “suffering or pain will make you stronger if it doesn’t kill you first”. Whatever the fire cannot destroy it will purify and make more valuable.

To read another post related to Going Through the fire: Purified or Consumed?, see How to Stop Sinning.