Being Faithful to God When It Hurts

Woman in pensive prayer; blessed are those who hunger; Being Faithful to God
Photo by Ben White

“. . . a generation whose heart was not steadfast, whose spirit was not faithful to God. . . They forgot his works and the wonders that he had shown them Psalm 78: 8, 11.

This passage is referring to God’s original people, Israel during their wilderness journey after they left Egypt.

This is exactly why the Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness and the first generation never made it at all. The reason they were tested in the wilderness is because God wanted to know if they’d be faithful to Him (Exodus 13:17- 24:18).

To read the entire psalm for context, click here.

Of course, they would’ve continued to be faithful if everything had gone well for them. They would’ve been devoted if their needs were met, and they had no trials.

Being Faithful to God When Things Don’t Go Our Way

But our loyalty and faithfulness to God is tested when things don’t go our way, and we are in need. If we can continue in the Word and the love of God when we are disappointed or when it requires sacrifice or we don’t feel like it, that’s when we prove our faithfulness.

And that’s when we’ll make progress out of the wilderness.”. . . but the rebellious dwell in a parched land” Psalm 68: 6.

As long as we “do not grow weary of doing good” Galatians 6: 9, but continue to be obedient in word, deed and thought despite hell and high water, we will make it out of the wilderness. . . and quickly.

2 Woman earnestly praying; King Hezekiah's Prayer; Being Faithful to God
Photo by Ben White.

No person on earth, or demon in hell will be able to keep us from being blessed. And from experiencing the glory of the Lord in our lives as long as we remain stable, faithful and obedient.

The Secret to Getting Out of the Wilderness

Here’s the secret to making quick progress out of the wilderness and being blessed: When our life is like ^^^^, we remain like _____. That’s when we’ll experience the glory of the Lord (Isaiah 40: 4, 5).

The Israelites in the wilderness were very much like an unfaithful wife. They were loyal and faithful to the Lord as long as He made them happy. And met their needs.

But when it got hard and the honeymoon was over, they didn’t want to be married to Him anymore. He wasn’t making them happy anymore, so they were miserable and wanted to find a new god. One that could give them what they wanted and meet their needs.

But a faithful wife (or Christian) doesn’t base her commitment to her husband on how she feels. Or on whether her needs are being met at the moment. She’s in it until “death do us part”. And is willing to do whatever it takes to make it work.

Giving Up Is Not an Option

But giving up and finding someone else is not an option. This is how a loyal, faithful Christian sees his walk with God as well. Like Job he says “though he slay me, I will hope in him” Job 13: 15.

Here’s why wives give up on their marriage and why Christians give up on God: They forget the way it used to be, the good times, the way it was when they first fell in love.

They can only see the hard times they’re going through now. And how hopeless and impossible it seems. And how miserable they are at the moment.

To read another post related to Being Faithful to God when It Hurts, see Fruitfulness and Pruning: The Link

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