Being Thankful in All Circumstances and Deliverance: The Link

daschund taking a flying leap; no good thing will He withhold; Being Thankful In All Circumstances.

The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God” Psalm 50: 23!

This verse tells us the Lord saves or delivers or helps those who thank Him. See Strong’s definition of salvation here. To read the entire psalm for context, click here.

Thanksgiving prepares the way for God to save us from our difficulty or trial.

But who feels like giving thanks when they’re in a situation from which they need to be saved?

Anything But Thankful

Instead, we’re tempted to be feel afraid. Or maybe angry and depressed and full of self-pity. But not thankful.

But these states of mind do not prepare the way for our salvation, or deliverance. Only thanksgiving does that.

Jesus gave thanks for the loaves and fishes (Mathew 14: 13-21). This despite the fact He knew it wouldn’t even come close to being enough to feed thousands of people.

He was in a situation from which He needed to be saved. And once He gave thanks, His salvation came.

On the other hand, the Israelites in the wilderness grumbled and complained and rebelled (Exodus 16: 2-12).

They Refused to Give Thanks, So they Died

And rather than experiencing salvation from their wilderness experience, they died in it.

Our hearts must be prepared to be saved from our difficulties and dilemmas. And the way that happens is through thanksgiving.

Maybe this is why we’re exhorted to “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” 1 Thessalonians 5: 18.

Being Thankful in All Circumstances Prepares Us for Deliverance

We need to be saved from various trials on a regular basis. And if we maintain an attitude of thanksgiving, we are preparing ourselves for the deliverance we need.

Thanksgiving does this by changing our perspective. It transforms us from a “have not” to a “have”.

And Jesus promises “to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away” Mathew 13: 12.

This is an awesome principle.

When we’re between the proverbial rock and hard place, we will not feel like being grateful. We will instead be tempted to feel afraid, angry, bitter or full of self-pity.

The last thing we feel is grateful. And yet, if we resist the temptation to have a bad attitude, and instead choose to give thanks. . .

Being Thankful in All Circumstances Changes Our Perspective

It isn’t that God is egotistical, or a masochist, or insensitive to our pain.

Our grateful heart is more for our benefit than His.

It changes our perspective. And prepares our heart for the blessing.

For a post related to Being Thankful In All Circumstances and Deliverance: The Link, see Trusting God When It Seems Hopeless.

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