God Is My Shield When I Yield

A c;lose up of an alligators head; God is my refuge; Moses and the Promise Land.
Photo by Balaji Malliswamy

Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him” Proverbs 30:5.

I’ll be the first to admit, I’m no biblical scholar. But the English word “shield” seems to be a pretty good translation for this Hebrew word.

It simply means to be a protector, as in the scaly hide of a crocodile. To read the definition from Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon, click here.

The word “refuge”, according to the same lexicon, means to “flee for protection“. You’ve probably heard of a wildlife refuge. It’s a place of protection and safety. It’s the same idea.

I believe the way we take refuge in God is by obeying His word when it will result in harm or loss or pain. This passage tells us His word is flawless. In other words, it can be trusted.

The Proverbs are stand-alone pithy saying. As such, they don’t require context to get the full picture. But if you would like to read chapter 30 anyway, click here.

According to this verse (and others), they Lord promises to be a shield to those who take refuge in Him in this way.

As mentioned, I believe one thing it means to take refuge in God is to do what’s right, even though it looks like doing so will result in harm or loss. And then trusting God to take care of us. And cause everything to turn to our advantage.

Sin Is What We Do So We Don’t Have to Trust God

It means to trust God by obeying His word rather than trying to take care of ourselves and meet our own needs with sin. Sin is always an effort to meet our own needs and take care of ourselves.

Small child's hand in father's hand; God is my shield.
God Is My Shield-Photo by Liane Metzler

Essentially, it’s what we do so we don’t have to trust God. But then, God leaves us to those sinful devices and lets us try to do it on our own without Him.

But when we take refuge in Him by obeying His word, even though it seems to be at odds with our best interest, He will be our refuge.

It’s on purpose that obedience to God’s word is often at odds with our well-being. He wants to teach us to trust or take refuge in Him.

Jesus’ Mandates Are Not in Our Best Interest

If we are to heed the advice of Jesus, we need to:

Invite or encourage abuse by turning the other cheek. . . let others take whatever they want from us. . . give when we can’t make ends meet as it is. . . love our enemies. . . forgive those who’ve hurt us.

“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back” Luke 6: 27-30. 

Jesus’ Mandates Teach Us God Is My Shield

It doesn’t take long to realize all these mandates are at odds with our best interest.

This is by design. It’s to teach us to trust the Lord and take refuge in Him. And then He promises to be our Shield.

To read another recent post see How Not to be Overcome by Trials in Life.

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