He Has Made EVERYTHING Beautiful in Its Time

“He has made everything beautiful in its time” Ecclesiastes 3: 11a.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Not just being born, planting, healing and building up. But also:
Dying. . .plucking up. . . killing. . . breaking down. . . weeping. . . mourning. . . casting away stones. . . refraining from embracing. . . losing. . . casting away. . . tearing. . . keeping silent. . . hating. . . and war (Ecclesiastes 3: 2-8).
Everything, Even Death Is Beautiful in Its Time
Even death is beautiful at the right time. There’s a big difference between the death of a child in a tragic accident and an old man, full of years and satisfied with life.
One is heartbreaking and tragic. The other is beautiful if the person has led a full and satisfying life and is ready to die.
Or even death after a long, hard, exhausting battle with cancer can be beautiful. There comes a point when the end of this life is a welcome relief from the relentless pain and suffering.
It’s not the experience in itself necessarily that determines whether it’s a blessing or a curse, but the timing of it.
Mourning For Sin Is Beautiful
Weeping and mourning are beneficial and valuable when they are in response to sin and lead to repentance. But they are heartbreaking if we continue to grieve over a loss without ever allowing it to be resolved.
I experienced this kind of complicated grief with the loss of my father as an infant. See Why Trust in God When It’s Easier to Trust In Yourself?
Hating sin is a beautiful thing. It will lead to the righteous, holy life that brings God’s blessings and favor. Hating other people is destructive. Perhaps to the recipient of our ill-will. And certainly, to ourselves.
So even things we usually deem unpleasant, and undesirable are beautiful at the right time and context. It’s when things happen out of order or too soon or in tragic circumstances that they are ugly and distorted.
Even hard things are beautiful at the proper time. Death is beautiful in its proper time and place.
To read another post related to He has made EVERYTHING Beautiful in Its Time, see How Perseverance Produces Character Through Adversity.