Leadership and Suffering In the Bible: The Link

A game pawn standing apart from the group; Leadership Bible.
Photo by Markus Spiske

Behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and behold, my sheaf arose and stood upright. And behold, your sheaves gathered around it and bowed down to my sheaf” Genesis 37: 7.

Joseph’s Dream

This passage is alluding to the dream Joseph, one of the twelve sons of the patriarch Jacob had. He was destined to become a ruler in Egypt. Second only to pharaoh himself on the throne.

And this dream was God’s promise to him about his future leadership role. Joseph being young and lacking wisdom told his brothers about this dream. His brothers were jealous of him to begin with because he was his father’s favorite.

So to brag to them that they were all going to bow down to him just added salt to the wound.

Joseph’s Sheaf Stood Upright: Leadership 101 In the Bible

But the reason Joseph’s brothers sheaves bowed down to his is because Joseph’s sheaf “stood upright”. I believe this language is figurative for uprightness of heart and life. Joseph became upright because of all the trials he went through.

 That’s why James tells us to “count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,  for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.  And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” James 1: 2-4.

Uprightness is a prerequisite for rule in God’s kingdom. All Christians will rule and reign with Christ (2 Timothy 2: 12). But we must first be upright. God had a great call on Joseph’s life, one of leadership and authority. But in order to fulfill it, he had to become upright.

That’s why he had to go through so many painful trials (Genesis 37, 39). Trials> Testing of your faith> Endurance> Uprightness> Rule and Authority.

The Prerequisite To Joseph’s Call

He had this call on his life. But if he wouldn’t have become upright he never would have realized that call. If he had chosen to become bitter in his trials instead of better his great call would’ve remained dormant.

Trials prepare us to rule because they can make us righteous. That is, if we choose to allow them to do so.

To read another post related Leadership And Suffering In the Bible: The Link, to see Adversity and “Great Possessions” in the Bible: The Link.