Stand Firm and Be Delivered!

Man standing on the edge of a cliff; Stand Firm
Photo by Nathan Shipps

But he took his stand in the midst of the plot and defended it and killed the Philistines. And the Lord saved them by a great victory!” 1 Chronicles 11: 14.

This passage is referring to the exploits of one of king David’s three mighty men. To read the passage for context, click here.

This verse tells us that because this man “took his stand”, he gained the victory over his enemy. It’s interesting and instructive to note than whenever Israel “took their stand” against the Philistines, the Lord brought about a great victory.

Or in other words, when they stood still, they saw the salvation of the Lord (Exodus 13: 14). When they resisted the devil, he fled (James 4: 7), when the endured they were saved (Mathew 24: 13).

Stand Firm and See God’s Victory

Whenever we take our stand against sin and defend the territory that belongs to us, that has been given to us in Christ, the Lord will bring about a victory for us.

The Lord brings about the victory, if we stand firm. If we take our stand against temptation, if we stand still and defend what ours we will see His salvation.

This is not an easy thing to do when we’re being barraged by the enemy or temptation. But if we flee or give up or are overcome, we will not see God’s victory or salvation.

Ephesians 6: 11, 13, 14. tells us to Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. . . . Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore. . .

We resist the devil or temptation and stand firm by standing on the word of God. Either the general word or God found in the Bible, or the rhema word God has given to us to fight the specific battle we’re in.

How to Stand If We Lack Strength and Faith

This requires a certain degree of strength and faith. But if we lack strength and faith, all is not lost.

The solution in that case is to watch and pray (Mathew 26: 41). We do this by exercising vigilance and diligence as we watch for temptation. And when we see it coming, we pray for strength to resist.

We can also do this in our daily devotions when we are in a time of unique temptation or foresee that we could be.

The way we overcome sin or temptation is by taking our stand, standing firm, resisting and refusing to yield to it.

Our Part: Stand Firm, God’s Part: Salvation

Our part is to stand. God’s part is to bring about our victory or salvation.

To read another post similar to Stand Firm and Be Delivered! see God’s Judgment: When Love Hurts.