Strength In Weakness: Not In Spite of but Because of

A cracked stone tablet with the words The Strength In Our Scars; Strength In Weakness
Photo By Thought Catalog

But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong” 2 Corinthians 12: 9, 10.

You may remember the inspiring 2008 docudrama Front of the Class. It tells the story of Brad Cohen, a young man with Tourette’s Syndrome who aspired to be a teacher.

The condition caused him to make barking noises like a dog.

But, eventually, after a great struggle, he achieved his dream and became a second-grade teacher.

But he wasn’t just an ordinary run of the mill teacher. In fact, he proved to be so skilled and gifted that he was selected Sallie Mae First Class Teacher of the Year in his home state of Georgia in 1997.

Not In Spite Of, but Because Of

The point is that I don’t think he became great at what he did in spite of his Tourette’s. I think it was because of it.

This handicap caused him to work harder and exert himself more than everyone else. I also think it made him humble, which is prerequisite for honor.

Interestingly, when he was a boy, someone suggested that perhaps he had a demon and needed an exorcism. His mother was offended and dismissed the idea out of hand.

What’s interesting is had this been true, and had he been delivered of his handicap and allowed to live a normal life, he likely would not have become celebrated in his chosen profession.

I believe it was his condition that spurred him on to greatness. And without it he would not have distinguished himself.

That’s where this passage of scripture comes in. To read the surrounding text for context, click here.

I believe it was his weakness or infirmity that ultimately made him strong or great. Had he been somehow healed of his handicap, he likely would have had an easier life, but would not have excelled the way he did.

Strength In Weakness: The Price of Greatness

There’s a price to pay for strength- for greatness. And that price is weakness or infirmity.

Our passage tells us Paul was afflicted because of his greatness. But I also believe his affliction spurred him on to even greater distinction.

Motivation is a powerful tool in bringing out the best in people.

And it was Brad’s Tourette’s, which threatened to sabotage his dream of becoming a teacher, and then an effective one that motivated him to work harder than his peers.

His weakness brought the greatness out that most of us have, but never tap into.

Butterflies emerging from cocoons; Strength In Weakness
Strength In Weakness: Not In Spite of but Because of

A Good and Bad Side to Everything

There’s a good and bad side to everything. Things that we think of as only bad have an upside. Similarly, things we think of as only good have a downside.

This condition which caused Brad to be made fun of, rejected, and even affected his ability to learn had a good side. And that good side was to bring out his greatness.

In the same way, had he been spared the humiliation and difficulty, and allowed to lead a normal life, he would have also lost the motivation to excel.

When Paul sought the Lord to be delivered of his infirmity, God’s familiar response was “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness2 Corinthians 12: 9.

Now, please don’t misunderstand. I’m not saying just anyone with Tourette’s has the ability to be a great teacher. I believe this man had a gift to begin with.

There is Strength in Weakness Because It’s a Catalyst

But it was his weakness that served as the catalyst to make the most of that gift. And bring out his strength. Mostly by motivating him to overcome his handicap. And not allow himself to be destroyed by it.

Oftentimes I think motivation equals power. And he got this motivation or power from his weakness.

God’s grace to him was manifest in the motivation, the energy, the power his weakness brought out in him.

Everything we experience is good and has a beautiful gift to give us. That is if we embrace it and use it to our advantage.

From Ordinary Life to Extraordinary Gift

To have not had the infirmity would have afforded him the ability to lead an ordinary life. But having it gave him the opportunity to have an extraordinary gift.

At the end of this passage Paul says “when I am weak, then I am strong 2 Corinthians 12: 10.

In other words, it was the weakness that made him strong.

The weakness, infirmity, handicap caused him to work harder than he otherwise would in an effort to compensate for it. This added effort to compensate is what made him strong or great.

The person with a handicap doesn’t have the luxury of kicking back and taking it easy. No, he has to work and strive to make up for it. Lest it cause him to fail.

This is why people who achieve prominence in any arena most often have a weakness to overcome. Greatness is not usually achieved by those who have greater ability than others, but by those who have greater inability.

Isn’t that beautiful?

For another post related to Strength In Weakness: Not In Spite Of, But Because Of, see Afflictions of the Righteous and Sorrows of the Wicked.

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