The Suffering of The Righteous in the Bible

Ominous storm clouds; God's Judgment; Suffering Bible
Photo by Tom Barrett

Then the Lord said to Noah, ‘Go into the ark, you and all your household, for I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation'” Genesis 7: 1. 

The familiar story of Noah’s ark hardly needs an introduction, not even for the uninitiated.

Does God Spare the Righteous?

God spares the righteous from judgment. He spares their lives. But that doesn’t mean the judgment of sinners isn’t hard on the righteous as well.

To read the chapter for context, click here.

Noah’s life was spared in God’s retribution of the wicked. But consider the hardships he endured because of the judgment:

  1. He was uprooted from his home
  2. He must’ve lost family members (besides the ones spared in the ark) and friends
  3. He was given the arduous task of building the ark. This was not only hard work but likely accompanied by mocking and ridicule from the unbelievers
  4. He had to endure life in the ark with all those smelly animals for a year
  5. He had to make a new life for himself, which is many ways was likely more difficult than his life before the flood
  6. His faith was greatly tested through it all. In everything from did he really hear from God to is this rain ever going to end to how will we ever rebuild our lives after the flood

We Are Spared Judgment but Not Suffering in the Bible

So, when God punishes sinners the righteous suffer too. Our faith is tried and purified in the fire that destroys the wicked. Noah’s deliverance from the flood was no picnic.

And so it is for us too. The righteous are spared God’s judgment. But that doesn’t mean we come through it without hardships and suffering.

Woman with her hand on the rain stained window; Adversity Bible; Suffering Bible
Photo by Milada Vigerova

But on a positive note, in addition to being spared his life, Noah was relieved of the animosity and persecution of the wicked.

And it must’ve been a relief to be rid of all the violence and strife and selfishness that constantly tormented his righteous soul. I’m sure the same could be said of Noah as was said of Lot:

“. . . (for as that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard)” 2 Peter 2: 8.

Deliverance Comes at A Price

So, Noah was delivered of the evil generation that vexed his soul day and night. But deliverance comes at a price.

But think of this: the same rain that brought God’s judgment on the wicked brought salvation to the righteous. So here then is a wonderful example of how “. . . all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” Romans 8: 28. 

The righteous have no reason to fear when God’s judgement comes upon the wicked because for them it will mean deliverance and salvation. The answer to their prayers.

God’s judgment on the wicked is actually His mercy toward the righteous. But just as when a woman delivers a child into the world it’s not without labor, pain and anguish, when God delivers us, it’s not without labor and pain and anguish.

To read another post related to The Suffering of the Righteous in the Bible see How God Protects Us.

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