The Secret of Contentment

“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content” Philippians 4: 11.
At first glance when we read this, we might be tempted to think “I don’t want to learn to be content. I’d rather have an abundance, so I won’t have to”.
To read the passage for context, click here.
The Secret of Contentment: Free of Circumstances
But true freedom is to be content and have peace and joy regardless of our circumstances. If we can only be content with plenty, our contentment and happiness is severely limited.
And we are dependent on our circumstances to keep us fixed. A truly free and happy person is one whose happiness does not depend on his state of affairs. Because they are constantly changing and are uncertain.
Life Is Constantly Changing
We can never have contentment that is totally stable and secure as long as it relies on outward things to keep it that way. Because life, by nature is constantly changing.
Nothing lasts forever. And nothing is absolutely certain. True freedom and happiness are not derived from, and therefore not dependent on our current situation.
Instead, it comes from an inner confidence that no matter what happens, or what the circumstances, God is with us and loves us and will take care of us.
Can you say along with Paul I have learned the secret of contentment? Of do you need your life to be a certain way to be happy? It’s not natural to be happy when things aren’t going our way. But it’s one of the things that should set us apart from unbelievers.
To read another post related to The Secret of Contentment see The Promise Land in the Bible: How to Get There From Here.