The Straight and Narrow Path Becomes More Broad

A narrow dirt path flanked by deciduous trees; share the sufferings of Christ; The Straight and Narrow Path

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.  For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few” Mathew 7: 13, 14.

This is part of the famous Sermon on the Mount that Jesus preached and comprises Mathew 5-7.

To read the whole passage for context, click here.

One Hard Option on the Straight and Narrow Path

When we are first learning to overcome some sin, the path in narrow. It feels restrictive because we only have one option. And that one option is hard.

It doesn’t come easily or naturally. It requires great effort. And it requires that we trust God to meet our needs and take care of us rather than sin.

But as we continue to resist temptation, we will find it gets easier each time we say no. It doesn’t require as much effort. And we don’t feel quite so restricted.

The Way to Freedom and Life

In other words, the farther we tread down the narrow path, the broader it becomes. The more comfortable, easy and pleasant it becomes until we’re walking in total freedom from that bondage. This is the destination of life.

The Lord showed me this once many years ago as I was driving to work, struggling with anxiety. I had been making great strides in the area. But I had recently begun working on my own in a more acute care setting as a nurse.

To read more about my battle with anxiety, and how the Lord help me overcome it, click here.

And I hadn’t worked in that unit for almost a month because my dad had recently died, and I had to take some time off.

The Straight and Narrow Restrictive Uncomfortable Path

So, as I was driving and struggling with this, I realized I didn’t have options. I had one choice and that was not to be afraid. It was the narrow, restrictive, uncomfortable path.

But as I continued to resist the temptation to be anxious it got a little easier and a little less uncomfortable each time. Until finally I was rarely tempted to be afraid.

The narrow path became progressively more broad until I reached my destination of freedom and life.

When we’re struggling to resist temptation and overcome sin, we can be encouraged by knowing that every time resist, we’ve taken another step toward and easier, more comfortable, broader path. The one that eventually leads to life.