This Momentary Light Affliction: Price of Glory

Eagle flying in yellow and black sky; why did Jesus call Judas friend? This Momentary light affliction.
Photo by George Becker

For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” 2 Corinthians 4: 17.

This verse came to mind one day, during a stressful period, when I was a new nurse on my first nursing job. I was feeling a lot of anxiety. This was mostly due to my lack of confidence in my ability.

To read the context of the passage, click here.

I realized that anytime I embarked on a new challenge, it was hard at first. I had to learn a lot of new things.

And I felt incompetent. And probably was incompetent in the beginning.

I had anxiety, and thoughts of giving up and going back to my former, easier way of life.

But, if I pressed in, and didn’t give up during this “momentary, light affliction”, the outcome was glorious.

Higher Level of Functioning

If we keep plugging away, and don’t allow ourselves to be deterred by how overwhelming and ominous the situation feels. . .

We will eventually experience that “eternal weight of glory”. We will become proficient at that thing that is now causing us so much angst.

And we will reap the rewards of this higher level of functioning. The one that feels so challenging and is such an affliction now.

For almost a year, I struggled with panic anxiety at work. To read about my battle, click here.

It seemed like an eternity at the time. I dreaded going to work. But those stressful months have afforded me 17 years and counting of ever more productive and enjoyable labor.

A Good Life or an Easy One

We can either have a good life, or an easy life, but we can’t have both.

A good life will require us to embrace challenges. And to continue to learn and grow.

If we choose instead to forego the challenges in favor of an easier, less stressful existence, here’s what will happen: We will have less stress, perhaps, but we will also have a less interesting, exciting, and rewarding life.

This Momentary Light Affliction: Price of Glory

If we want the “eternal weight of glory”, we first have to experience the “momentary, light affliction”.

I now have what I would consider my dream job in nursing. It’s remote, four days a week, well paid, and low stress. And for a nursing job, that last item is hard to come by.

This job has it all. It’s the one I’ve been dreaming about from the beginning.

But had I quit back there when I felt so overwhelmed and distraught. . . well, you know the rest.

To read another post related to This Momentary Light Affliction: Price of Glory, see The Promise Land: Meaning and Significance.

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