Trouble The Doorway to Blessing In the Bible

Wild ox with a bird on his back; Trouble In the Bible.
Gio's Studio.

God brought them out of Egypt; they have the strength of a wild ox” Numbers 23: 22.

This verse is part of Balaam’s second oracle that he spoke to Balak the king of Moab regarding Israel. They were in the wilderness at this time. He was a false prophet. But not because his words weren’t true. But because he was greedy and a lover of money more than a lover of God (2 Peter 2: 14-16 and others).

In this verse Balaam is talking about how God took his people out of Egypt. This is where they had been enslaved to pharaoh for over 400 years.

The Strength of A Wild Ox

I believe the second part of this verse is definitively correlated with the first. The reason the Israelites had “the strength of a wild ox” is because of their experience in Egypt, the “iron furnace of affliction”.

To read the entire passage for context, click here.

Compare James 1: 2-4: “consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,  because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything”. 

We are so eager to be delivered of our “Egypts”- our “iron furnace of affliction”. But it is here that we become strong and gain endurance. And endurance eventually makes us mature (see above).

Trouble the Doorway to Blessing In the Bible

And once we are mature (or blameless), God will withhold no good thing from us (Psalm 84: 11 and others). So really, our Egypts are the first step on the path to blessing and the abundant life Jesus promised (John 10: 10). Egypt> Strength> Mature> Every Good thing.

With this in mind, we should embrace our Egypts, and be grateful for them. Knowing that Egypt will develop in us the character necessary to be blessed with every good thing and perfect gift (James 1: 17).

However, it’s important to remember that not all or even most of Israel came out of Egypt with the “strength of an ox”. We have to allow our trials to make us better rather than bitter. But those who did were also eventually the ones who matured. And ultimately made it to the promise land.

But these oracles of Balaam were spoken to the second generation of Israelites born in the wilderness. The first generation were rebellious and unbelieving. And died in the wilderness.

To read another post related to Trouble the Doorway to Blessing In the Bible, see Parable of the Sower Explained As A Progression.