Turning from Sin to Find Healing

“. . . Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed” Isaiah 6:10b.
I believe the way we are healed emotionally, psychologically and even physically is by turning from our sin. To read this passage for context, click here.
Psalm 107:20 tells us “He sent out his word and healed them”. The implication being that if we hear and obey the word, we’ll be healed. Of course, in order to obey the word, we must turn from our sin.
Suffering Always Changes Us
I used to think it was suffering that heals us. But now I realize that suffering in itself is a catalyst for change either way. It can bring about good or bad change, depending on our response.
It’s not what we go through, but how we respond, that determines its effect on us. Suffering can make us bitter or better. It all hinges on our reaction to it.
In effect then, it’s really obedience that heals us. If we continue to walk in love toward God and people in our trials, then this is what heals us.
If we choose instead to be angry and bitter and full of self-pity we will lose ground.
And become unhealthier.
Greater Pain= Greater Opportunity
Now, the more painful the trial, the greater the opportunity for healing. But there is a caveat, of course. We must continue to walk in love through it.
This includes obedience, because Jesus said “If you love me, keep my commands” John 14:15. I think this is basically the same idea as “submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” James 4:7.
As we resist temptation (and the devil), it comes less often, and is less intense. Until eventually it flees entirely, and we are not bothered by it anymore. In other words, we’ve become complete or mature in that area.
In still other words, we’ve been healed in that area.
Why Turning from Sin Heals Us
I believe all unhealthiness, whether emotional or psychological is really just sin at its core. And that’s why when we turn from our sin, we are healed.
The healthiest, most mature person on the planet walks in love. This is the opposite of being unhealthy. And walking in selfishness and sin.
To read another post with similar content to Turning from Sin to be Healed, see Hannah’s Prayer and the Pain that Drove It.