How Zechariah and Elizabeth Got their Miracle

“In the days of Herod, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah, of the division of Abijah. And he had a wife from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth.  And they were both righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord.  But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren, and both were advanced in years” Luke 1: 6, 7.
I’ve heard Christians say over the years that God does what He wants, and there’s nothing any of us can do to change that. But the Lord obligates Himself to His word.He delights to fulfill His promises to His people as we believe for them.
And He bound Himself to His word to provide a child for this couple since they walked “blamelessly”.
Psalm 84: 11 tells us “no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless”.
This is God’s promise. And He always keeps His promises. That means God was going to give this couple a child even if it required a miracle. Children are certainly included in the phrase “good thing”. In that culture at that time there was a stigma attached to being barren.
To read this passage for context, click here.
Zechariah and Elizabeth Did Their Part
So if we will just do our part, God will certainly do His, even if there’s no earthly or natural way. God will make a way where there is no way.
Our part is to be blameless. His part is to withhold no good thing. The word blameless in this verse, according to Strong’s Bible Dictionary means to be irreproachable, deserving no censure, free from fault or defect.
God is not limited by impossibility. The God who called heaven and earth into being with a word is certainly capable of bypassing the hurdles that come between us and our blessing.
God Did A Miracle for Zechariah and Elizabeth Because He was Bound by His Word
So, God is not limited by impossibility. But He is limited by our sin, by our faults. That’s because He can only bless us to the degree we are mature and wise. Otherwise, it would do us more harm than good.
It’s not hard to see that if you gave your six-year-old the keys to the car, that would certainly do more harm than good. It would be a curse rather than a blessing.
God did a miracle for this couple because He had to. They were blameless, which means according to God’s own word He would not withhold any good thing from them.
And children are among the greatest of the good things, if we want them.
But because this was impossible in the natural state of things-Elizabeth was both barren and old- God would have to override nature, and do it supernaturally.

So, if we’re blameless in our walk, and have not experienced every good thing, and if that good thing is impossible, good news! God will keep His word.
Impossibilities are no big deal to the God who created the universe! The only thing that can keep that good thing from coming to us is us. No devil in hell, or person on earth can prevent it if we’re doing our part.
What Is Your Definition of Good Things?
Our sin and faults that we refuse to deal with are more of an obstacle to God than impossibilities! We look at our circumstances as the barrier keeping us from our blessing, when we should be looking at our sin.
God can work around impossible circumstances, but He can’t work around our sin.
Now this isn’t to say everyone has the same definition of a “good thing”. Most people would probably include children.
But if you’re childless or without any other good thing, and have no desire for these things, then for you, these would not be a good thing. They would be a burden. And perhaps even a hindrance to what you really want.
Blamelessness Is the Most Powerful Force In the World
Blamelessness is the most powerful force in the world. It moves God to remove our mountains so we can be in possession of every good thing.
Our sin is equally powerful in the negative. Because God has chosen to limit Himself, it’s more powerful than God Himself. And will keep us from the good things we long for. Blamelessness is what prompts God to do miracles in our behalf.
God promises every good thing and perfect gift to the blameless. And yet, sometimes those things have been rendered impossible because of our circumstances.
That’s when God steps in and does a miracle. So, if we’re blameless, and don’t yet have every good thing and perfect gift the natural way, God will get it to us supernaturally- no problem!
God has no difficulty moving a mountain or parting a sea to get our heart’s desire to us. So, in that case, not only will we get the blessing, but we will have the added bonus of getting it supernaturally.
The Matriarchs of the Faith were Barren
God did this same thing for Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 21:1-7), Isaac and Rebekah (Genesis 25: 21-26), Jacob and Rachel (Genesis 30: 22-24), and others.
Blameless people get what they want sooner or later. Even if it requires a miracle.
To read a another post related to How Zechariah and Elizabeth Got their Miracle, see Judges 20: The Defeat of the Righteous.